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1) Traditional Push-ups

Traditional push-ups are the most commonly known type of push-up. They are an effective exercise that strengthen the chest, shoulder, triceps, and core muscles. To perform a traditional push-up, start by getting into a high plank position with your hands placed just slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keeping your body in a straight line and your core engaged, lower your body until your chest touches the floor and then push back up to the starting position. When starting out, you can modify the push-up by doing it on your knees. As you get stronger, progress to doing it on your toes. Make sure to keep your head in a neutral position and don’t forget to breathe!

2) Wide Push-ups

Wide push-ups are a great variation to the traditional push-up and are a great way to increase upper body strength. They work the same muscles as a regular push-up, but place more emphasis on the chest and shoulders.

To perform this exercise correctly, start in a standard push-up position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Lower yourself until your chest nearly touches the floor and then press back up to the starting position. Make sure to keep your core tight throughout the movement, and avoid allowing your hips to sag.

Wide push-ups can also be made more challenging by elevating your feet. This increases the difficulty and works different muscles. This variation is particularly effective for those looking to increase their overall upper body strength.

Finally, wide push-ups are an excellent way to build functional strength and can help improve performance in other areas such as lifting or sports. By building functional strength you will be able to move better and with greater ease. So, try incorporating wide push-ups into your workout routine and reap the rewards!

3) Narrow Push-ups

Narrow push-ups are a great way to work your chest, triceps, and shoulders. As the name implies, you perform the exercise by placing your hands closer together than when doing traditional push-ups. To do narrow push-ups, begin in a plank position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your arms directly below your shoulders. Bend your elbows to lower your body towards the ground while maintaining a straight line from head to toes. Keep your elbows tucked close to your sides as you lower your body. Once you have reached the bottom of the push-up, press up to return to the starting position.

Narrow push-ups are a challenging variation on the traditional push-up that require strength and control. They work the same muscles as regular push-ups but activate them differently due to the narrower hand placement. This variation also targets the triceps more than traditional push-ups do. If you’re looking for an extra challenge or want to mix up your routine, give this variation a try.

4) One Arm Push-ups

One arm push-ups are an advanced variation of the traditional push-up that requires a great deal of strength and stability. They target the same muscle groups as regular push-ups but work them in an entirely different way, forcing you to use your stabilizing muscles for balance and coordination.

To do a one arm push-up, start in a plank position with your feet hip-width apart and your core engaged. Place your left hand on the floor, palm down, and your right arm extended behind you. Lower yourself down until your chest touches the floor and then press back up. Make sure to keep your body straight throughout the entire movement, so that your weight is equally distributed between your arms. Do 10-12 repetitions on each side.

Once you’ve mastered the one arm push-up, you can increase the intensity by lifting your right foot off the floor and balancing on just one foot as you press up and down. This variation forces you to use more of your stabilizing muscles, making it an even greater challenge.

One arm push-ups are a great way to build strength and stability in your upper body and core, while challenging yourself to master a new skill. With practice and proper form, you’ll be able to increase your reps and challenge yourself even further.

5) Spiderman Push-ups

Spiderman push-ups are a great way to mix up your regular routine and challenge your upper body muscles. This exercise involves both the arms and the core, so you’ll get a total body workout from just this one exercise.

To begin the Spiderman Push-up, start in a traditional push-up position, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your feet about hip-width apart. Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise, and as you lower your chest towards the ground, bring one knee out towards the same side elbow. Return to the starting position, and repeat on the opposite side.

This type of push-up is a great way to work on coordination and balance as well as upper body strength. It requires you to use more of your core muscles than a standard push-up, so you’ll feel a greater engagement in those areas.

Remember to keep proper form while doing this exercise: your spine should be straight, your neck neutral, and your body should form a straight line. And when you bring the knee up towards the elbow, try to keep it close to the chest to maximize the benefit of this exercise.

Overall, Spiderman push-ups are a great way to mix up your regular workout routine and target multiple muscle groups at once. Give them a try and see how they make you feel!